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Excellent, locally relevant art in worship is key to a deep-rooted identity among Jesus followers, the world over.

Speaking to both heart and mind, the arts are central to every culture as people try to make sense of their world. Artists on a mission create physical and emotional spaces for people to be moved by God’s beauty.

Art in witness can sow seeds of truth broadly, while also engaging seekers at a heart level. By providing shared experiences, the arts— in both worship and witness— quickly deepen personal relationships. Whether through music, dance, visual art, or theater, we are sparking beautiful worship and witness among the least reached by cultivating and empowering artists globally.

Some of the Inspiro Arts Alliance projects include:

Artists from all cultures live and create together during a four-month discipleship program that equips them to live vibrantly and make disciples. Across disciplines, our artists are trained to engage communities through worship and witness, point to biblical truth through relevant art forms, and build bridges of understanding and trust in collaboration with local Jesus followers.

Ethno-Arts and Worship Training
Design to identify new artists, equip existing artists, and educate local communities of Jesus followers, this training focuses on teaching strategies and skills for worship, creation of local arts for Christian worship and witness, and much more. Participants are then provided the tools to help establish and grow new communities of believers.

Mentoring Network
Not only are we always training and placing artists on a mission, but we are sure to offer ongoing support through a global mentoring network, to make sure we are all growing together and collaborating together to love God, each other and the lost with our very beautiful best.

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