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In Brazil, OM shows Christ’s love through sports outreach, ministry to those with HIV/AIDS and to those living in financial poverty

Brazil is a land of great need and great opportunity. Wherever hope encounters desperation, Christians are making a significant impact. The culmination of 22 years of ministry, OM’s Brazil Training Center both equips those wanting to serve in missions overseas and creates ministries that reach marginalized people groups within the country. Key ministries in Brazil are SportsLink, Love & Life and AidsLink.  

The role of OM in Brazil and AIDS Link International is to transform lives and communities by mobilizing and empowering people to have a global impact against HIV / AIDS. This includes: equipping the local population to respond through training and education (lectures and workshops), making people aware of the need and how they can help, taking care of those who are suffering, helping children with HIV and AIDS and much more.  

Love & Life is a ministry that seeks to demonstrate Christ’s love in a practical and personal way through service to the poor with the help of volunteers and professionals from different fields such as doctors, dentists, nurses, lawyers, teachers, craft teachers, hairdressers and others.  

The OM SportsLink Ministry seeks to serve the Body of Christ by mobilizing people passionate about sports to share Jesus Christ. We want to serve the churches and communities by equipping, encouraging and inspiring them to use sports as a tool to reach more people, transforming lives and communities.  

Facts about Brazil
People Groups:
Brazilian, Ribeirinhos (Amazon River People), Hunsrik, Quilombola, Deaf
Christianity, Ethnic Religions
Percent Evangelical:
Federal Presidential Republic
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