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Besides doing ministry and evangelism to local Chileans, OM also works to mobilize and train Chileans to go into global missions

Chile is described as “nature on a colossal scale” with massive glacial fields and stunning mountains. The Chilean church is passionate for God, but support for world missions is still needed to fulfill its sending potential. OM in Chile seeks to fill this need through our different ministries. 

We host a 9-month Intensive Missions Training (IMT) program involving classroom teaching and real-world training in practical mission work to prepare participants for future long-term mission work. We also equip churches and individuals for local evangelistic ministry. We host short-term missions experiences (Adventure Teams, Exposure Teams), providing a mix of serving local churches and experience of our regular ministries

We focus on helping the churches of Chile engage with global missions through sharing opportunities to pray, give and go during church visits and conferences. Free breakfasts every third Saturday of the month promoting world missions through testimony and presentation of missionary organizations and initiatives in Chile and worldwide are also something that we host. We believe that distributing low cost books to churches and individuals to help disciple, challenge and mobilize believers in the Great Commission is a key part of our ministry. 

Besides our work mobilizing the Chilean church to global missions, we also do local evangelism. We work in children’s homes in weekly visits designed to give them a renewed sense of self-worth and identity. We reach out to homeless people through regular visits to a day center and by hosting a monthly, sit-down meal. Finally, we share the love of God through our art ministry. 

Facts about Chile
People Groups:
Chilean, Mapuche Araucanian, Aymara Chilean, Deaf, Atacameno Kunza
Christianity, Non-Religious
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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