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OM’s focus in Columbia is on evangelism, literature, community development and equipping Columbians for local and global missions

The OM team in Columbia exists to challenge, encourage and equip the national church to engage in local & worldwide evangelization and to meet the needs of the neediest. To accomplish this purpose, we have focused efforts in five different areas: 

Evangelism: We aim to work alongside the church and Christian organizations in prison ministries, community evangelization and children’s evangelization, adopting special projects (The Potter’s House) and focusing on groups at risk like poor women and children. 

Literature distribution and sales: We aim to promote a reading culture, providing Christian literature in a variety of subjects to meet the spiritual, emotional and psychological needs of the local community, as well as promoting children’s literature. 

Equipping & Training: Our team provides formal and informal education to believers and sends OM teachers to existing Mission schools to train those willing to serve locally and overseas.  We also equip the churches who are willing to stand behind them. 

Community Development: We bring hope to prisoners, children in high risk circumstances and needy communities by distributing goods and providing training in various handcraft workshops to improve their living standard. 

Mobilization for Local & Worldwide Missions: We are committed to challenge and encourage the church through our different seminars, workshops, global challenge and global action programs to be national champions of worldwide missions. 

Facts about Colombia
People Groups:
Columbian, Zambo (Afro-Columbian), Amerindian, Deaf, Wayuu Guajiro
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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