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Popularly seen as a “happy” nation, most people in Denmark are not believers in Christ

Denmark frequently wins the top ranking in cross-national studies of happiness. However, only about a quarter of Danes identify as Christians. The OM office in Denmark serves as the home office for OM in Denmark, Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland. 

For more than 45 years, OM has been sending Danes into the nations.  An integral part of the DNA of OM in Denmark has been the ships ministry. In 1970, the ship ‘Umanaq’ was bought in Denmark and transformed into the ‘Logos’. In 2004, the ship ‘Norrøna’, was bought in Denmark and later transformed into the ship the ‘Logos Hope’. 

Today, our primary mission is to mobilize believers and churches to get involved in global missions. This is done through conferences, communications through websites and social media and visits to churches, camps, Christian boarding schools and youth clubs. 

The OM team in Denmark focuses on recruiting and resourcing for the OM Ships Ministry, sending teenagers to TeenStreet, recruiting Danes to do ministry among Muslims, and partnering with churches to send out Danes for long-term missions. 


Facts about Denmark
People Groups:
Danish, Faeroe Islander
Percent Evangelical:
Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
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