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The goal of OM in Ecuador is to train and equip the Ecuadorian church for missions and to offer hope to those living with HIV/AIDS

Ecuador is a land full of contrast and color. It is divided in four regions: the Galapagos Islands, the Pacific Coast which features beautiful beaches, the Sierra with the majestic Andes and the Amazon Jungle with its tribes and history. Although Ecuador is a predominantly Catholic country, the number of evangelicals has grown considerably over the last five years to around twenty per cent of the population. 

OM’s team in Ecuador is part of the Andean Region of OM, which is based in Guayaquil, the largest city in Ecuador. This is the central office that provides administrative support for the ministries in the other countries in the region. We are part of focused efforts in evangelism, literature distribution & sales, equipping & training, community development and mobilizing the church for local and worldwide missions. We do this through our mobilization efforts. OM’s Andean Region has developed a successful twelve week intensive missions and cross-cultural training school in Ecuador, called ECTM.  We are passionate about seeing Christians trained and equipped for the mission field. 

We also focus on offering relief & visitation to AIDS-affected families through a ministry called “ConexiónVIDA” (LIFE Connection). This ministry is focused on children with HIV/AIDS in a local children’s hospital and their families. This ministry also offers educational programs for churches, schools and communities about HIV/AIDS. 

Facts about Ecuador
People Groups:
Ecuadorian, Quichua (Chimborazo Highland), Zambo, Afro-Ecuadorian, Quichua (Otavalo Highland)
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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