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Egypt has one of the most enduring histories in the modern world and maintains spectacular relics from antiquity but today, it remains largely opposed to Christianity

Known as the ‘Mother of the World,’ Egypt’s nickname acknowledges its ancient history and role in civilization. Public discontent, based on sub-par living conditions and few job opportunities for average Egyptians, largely contributed to the country’s 2011 revolution. As Egypt continually changes, God is also changing hearts and lives. 

Most of Egypt’s churches are Coptic Orthodox. Other traditional Christian groups include Armenian Apostolic, Catholic, Maronite and Anglican. The Bible Society, Christian publishing houses and Christian TV and radio channels encourage Egyptian believers, who exist amidst an Islam-controlled legal and education system. Believers from Muslim backgrounds generally meet in small house groups, receiving periodic encouragement and discipleship from local workers. 

Facts about Egypt
People Groups:
Arab Egyptian, Arab Saidi, Arab Sudanese, Romani Domari, Moroccan, Algerian
Islam, Christianity
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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