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The beautiful country of Jamaica has a rich missions history

For over 500 years, Jamaica—like the rest of the Western Caribbean—has been a receiving field for missionaries. But times have now changed. In 2000, a massive gathering of pastors, Caribbean church leaders pledged:  “To release from these islands the best of our people, and the resources needed for their support, to go to the uttermost parts of the earth to proclaim the gospel, to plant churches, to disciple the nations and to serve God wherever, whenever and however He commands.” 

The OM team in Jamaica, established in 2011, is committed to partnering with the Jamaican church to fulfill this pledge.  Additionally, we at OM in Jamaica are convinced that Jamaicans are doubly commissioned: first by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 28:18-20; and second, by our National Pledge as we vow before God that under Him, Jamaica may  “play her partin advancing the welfare of the whole human race.” 

It has been stated that Jamaica has the most churches per square mile and a rich spiritual heritage. We have now taken the baton and are running the race…taking the Good News to the 3 billion who have never heard the name of Jesus.

Facts about Jamaica
People Groups:
Christianity, ethnic religions
Percent Evangelical:
Parliamentary Democracy under a Constitutional Monarchy
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