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OM in Madagascar desires to see the Malagasy church become mobilized and equipped for the task of reaching the least reached in Madagascar

We believe in equipping believers and church leaders to address relevant issues.  We offer a five-month long program which involves training in a variety of ministries.  

OM in Madagascar is dedicated to working alongside the local church to bring the gospel to the least reached and bring about tangible change in our communities.  We do this through a variety of ministries including hospital visits, literacy programs, relief work, Muslim outreach, business development, Audio Bible recordings, teaching gospel-centered skills training to avoid or escape slave-like labor or trafficking and more. 

More about Madagascar
People Groups:
Betsileo, Betsimisaraka, Merina-Vokinankaratra, Tsimihety, Sakalava
Christianity, Ethnic Religions
Percent Evangelical:
Semi-Presidential Republic
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