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The vision of OM in Malawi is to see communities transformed through the preaching of the gospel and the equipping of true believers for ministry

The following trainings are provided to equip believers to reach their community and instill a Christ-like character: discipleship, audio Bibles, Veritas Bible School, entrepreneurship, Farming Foundation Training.  

It is our desire for individuals and ministries to be self-sustaining. We present Farming Foundations training to teach them God’s Way of Farming. Additionally, we reach out to the elderly and vulnerable in our community with practical services.  This opens doors as people see the practical help provided as a picture of the love of Christ. 

We believe in reaching the next generation by providing quality Christian education and daily meals to vulnerable children and developing self-sustainable projects for the school as well as children’s ministries outside the school. 

We believe in modeling a biblical lifestyle in all spheres of life.  We are dedicated to planting churches which, in turn, plant more churches. Each team member is being an influence in the village he lives in as well as neighboring villages by sharing the word of God, teaching the truth of the Bible and doing community work as practical ministry. 

More about Malawi
People Groups:
Nyanja- Chewa, Tumbuka, Yao- Muslim, Ngoni- Malawi, Lomwe, Nguru
Christianity, Islam, Ethnic religions
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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