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Muslim Diaspora

Muslim diaspora communities are perhaps the fastest growing mission field in the world.

From Canada to Hong Kong, Finland to South Africa, Muslim refugees and immigrants are settling into new neighborhoods. Catalytic teams work amongst Arabs, Afghanis, Iranians, Kurds, Pakistanis, Somalis, Turks and other Muslim groups to help them integrate into the societies of their new countries.

Our workers are also sharing the gospel and inviting their new neighbors into Christian community. Gatherings of Jesus followers are forming, integrating into local churches and even reaching out to the people they know back home.

Planting Communities of Jesus Followers
God calls all people into community with Himself and each other. Muslim cultures are very community-oriented and often build new communities when settling in other countries. Our Catalytic teams are therefore focusing on building relationships with Muslims by working within the existing Muslim communities, families, clans and friendship groups and forming small groups of Muslim-background believers who can reach out to their own neighbors and friends.

Equipping Workers
To live vibrantly as Jesus followers means communities must be multiplying. Catalytic teams are mobilizing, training and mentoring believers to share and live within Muslim diaspora communities through seminars, providing short-term outreach opportunities and Bible college internships, leading workshops for local churches and teaching courses at Bible schools about Muslim ministry.

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