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Myanmar boasts rich traditional culture but decades of ethnic strife have led to human rights violations and a long running civil war

OM’s primary goal in Myanmar is to see locals reached with the gospel and to share God’s love in practical ways. To accomplish this, the OM team uses many tools. Foreign team members teach English (or other languages) at OM’s language center during the week and informal conversation classes are held at weekends.

The team provides training at local churches and Bible schools, and is involved in youth clubs, Sunday schools, worship teams and visitations with church members. They meet with Myanmar friends over tea, in each other’s homes and at famous sites together. 

OM in Myanmar also runs three kindergartens and team members regularly visit orphanages to share Jesus’ love with children. A growing sports ministry team leads training in different areas of Myanmar and has an active ministry in football and tchoukball. Teams provide training to educate communities about prevention and causes of HIV while showing love to affected people.  

Facts about Myanmar
People Groups:
Burmese, Tai Man-Shan, Rakhine, Karen-S'gaw, Karen-Pwo Eastern
Percent Evangelical:
Parliamentary Republic
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