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OM in Peru is committed to sharing the gospel with those who have never heard, both in their own country and around the world

Peru is divided into three main areas: the dry coastal plain in the west, where most of the cities and industries are; the high Andean flat terrain which is more agricultural; and the Amazon jungles in the east of the country. It is estimated that there are around 29 million people living in Peru, speaking at least 92 different languages. The official languages are Spanish and Quechua. 

Although the country is recorded to be 90 percent Christian and following Catholic traditions, it is believed that 25 percent of Peruvians are Christo-pagan, believing more in animism and witchcraft. 

Peru is part of the Andean Region of OM, which has five main streams of focus: evangelization, equipping & training, community development, literature distribution & sales and the mobilization of the church for local and worldwide missions. 

The OM team in Peru is committed to sharing the gospel with those who have yet to hear through different evangelistic activities. We have medical outreaches, where we share God’s love for people through medical brigades organized within the country. 

We also teach at seminars and Bible schools and preach about topics like the need for missions and the Great Commission. Finally, through church visits, we challenge national Christians to assume their missionary responsibility and fulfill God’s calling to global missions. 

Facts about Peru
People Groups:
Peruvian, Quechua, Aymara, Deaf, Afro-Peruvians
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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