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Papua New Guinea

We are committed to partner with Papua New Guinea churches to help challenge, train and send PNGers to serve as missionaries in OM fields overseas.

The OM team in PNG was started with Papua New Guineans as a result of missionary exposure with OM internationally in India, Pakistan and on OM ships, Logos and Doulos.  In 1990, after 11 years of missionary burden sparked by the first visit of the Logos in 1979 there was a growing awareness and interest among the Christians churches in PNG to reach the unreached. 

Our Goals:
1. To encourage the PNG churches through mission awareness programs to catch the vision of world missions. 

  1. To train PNGers to serve in OM fields in the 10/40 window countries and the ship ministry. 
  2. To work in partnership with the PNG churches to help gain a vision for missions and send out and support their missionaries.

We run a yearly orientation program for new recruits for a month that covers introduction to world religions, culture, food, language and OM values and ethos for people who want to join OM in PNG and serve on the field.  We also take church meetings all year around and speak at camps, bible colleges and other groups as well.  Once a year we are involved with a mission conference run at Christian Leaders Training College for students and pastors all over the nation. We use our returning missionaries to speak at these meetings. 

We are involved in praying for the world through the church. We send out prayer information to churches and individuals who are interested in countries God lays on their heart to pray for. We also share at meetings about praying for the world in the churches and other important prayer gatherings. 

Facts about Papua New Guinea
People Groups:
Enga, Medlpa, Huli, Kuman, Golin, Sinasina, Tolai, Kamano
Percent Evangelical:
Parliamentary Democracy under a Constitutional Monarchy
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