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The vision of OM in Tanzania is to build relationships with the people, plant churches and train local evangelists to carry out the vision

In the regions of Lake Victoria, several churches have been planted and with this, our team has come alongside these establishments to help the pastors grow and lead their congregations. Our ultimate goal is to instill missions into the heart of the church. 

Through public radio broadcasting, we share the Word and encourage the people.  This has been an incredibly unique ministry, allowing opportunities to meet, pray and disciple strangers in our community who soon become friends. 

Being in such a large urban area, our heart is for the students attending University, especially as the make crucial life decisions. We want to come alongside them in this journey and engross them in Spiritual truths by developing relations with them through social engagements, Bible studies, discipleship, outreaches, etc. 

We reach out to those under bondage of prostitution and teach women a different vocation for financial provision.  Additionally, we have a children’s ministry, hospital visiting ministry and other outreaches. 

Facts about Tanzania
People Groups:
Sukuma, Gogo, Haya- Ziba, Ha, Makonde
Christianity, Islam, Ethnic Religions
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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