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Yemen is an ancient cultural crossroads that is mostly unreached by the gospel

Yemen has been a trading and cultural crossroads of Africa, the Middle East and Asia for thousands of years. Sadly, the country is characterized by civil conflict, food insecurity and poverty. 

Yemen is one of the possible locations for the Biblical kingdom of Sheba. The Romans knew this fertile country as Arabia Felix (Latin: “Happy, or Flourishing, Arabia”), in contrast to the relatively barren Arabia Desert to the north.  

Our desire to live and serve in Yemen is to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. Practical service and volunteer opportunities, language studies and living with integrity and intentionality helps to build lasting relationships and communicate the power and love of God.  

Language teachers, medical workers and those with social and community development experience have numerous opportunities in Yemen. OMers seek to utilize their background and skills to serve the community and build relationships, while setting an example to local believers.  

Valuing the individual skills and gifts of individual members, the long-term teams in the region have striven to support and equip workers to grow personally, professionally and spiritually. An extensive training program for new members offers practical information on settling into daily life, cultural adaptation, language learning and evangelism.  

Learning the heart language is intrinsic to effective gospel witness. A variety of language learning options are available within the region, ranging from formal classrooms to private tutors. Short-term programs, ranging from one week to two years, have offered participants opportunities to partner with existing regional teams and exposure to local culture.  

Facts about Yemen
People Groups:
Arab, Muhamasheen (Akhdam), Deaf, Socotran, Mahra,
Primary Religions:
Percent Evangelical:
in transition
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