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Zambia and Lake Tanganyika

Zambia is known as an exceptionally peaceful and receptive country; however, poverty and malnutrition plague the population

OM’s vision in Zambia is to see God worshipped and glorified by all the peoples of the world. Our mission is to plant indigenous churches among the least-reached people groups and regions of the world.  

We do this through mobilizing the church for missions, equipping believers through discipleship and missions training, evangelism and church planting. 

The vision of OM in Lake Tanganyika is to see the people living in the remote villages around the lake brought into the Kingdom of God, experiencing freedom in Christ and worshipping Him in Spirit and truth. We want to address the needs of the whole person, bringing about transformation and spreading the gospel, ensuring that both their spiritual and physical needs are met. 

We implement this goal through indigenous church planting and discipleship training.  Our practical ministries include a school for orphans, a mobile medical clinic boat, a prison ministry, children’s and youth ministry and hosting outreaches. 

Facts about Zambia and Lake Tanganyika
Bemba, Tonga- Zambezi, Nyanja- Chewa, Lozi, Nyiha, Tanzania
Christianity, Ethnic Religions
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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