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OM in Zimbabwe seeks to mobilize the church to send missionaries to go and make disciples of all nations

We challenge individual Christians to consider ‘GO-ing’ as missionaries and the Church to consider ‘SEND-ing’. This is mainly done through building relationships and exposing Christians and church leaders to Biblical teaching on missions, the need for the gospel in the world and the realities of what God is already doing in the nations. 

We desire for churches to reach beyond their borders and become involved with opportunities to serve. Because of this, we create numerous national and international opportunities to serve in different communities and places each year. We have experienced that when ordinary Christians step out of their comfort zone and depend on God, they find He is able to do extraordinary things. 

Facts about Zimbabwe
People Groups:
Shona-Karanga, Shona-Zezuru, Ndebele- Tabele, Shona-Korekore, Ndau
Christianity, Ethnic Religions
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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