Doulos Hope – Crew Member (1 or 2 years) thumbnail
Doulos Hope – Crew Member (1 or 2 years)

Live in a unique international community on board a ship. By being a part of the organization aimed to bring knowledge, help and hope to the world, transforming lives and communities through:
Experience God in new ways as you see Him at work in and through you. Learn from different countries and cultures, sailing from port to port.
Grow in character by living and ministering in the ship’s international community of over 400 people from more than 45 nations. Build friendships which can last for a lifetime.
Serve and learn skills by working 40 hours a week in one of the ships departments.
Strengthen spiritual understanding and disciples through the regular devotions, study, groups, prayers meetings and worship nights.
Develop creative ministry skills such as drama, mime, dance and children’s ministry as well as public speaking skills and leadership skills.
Reach out to local people during your ministry days sharing your faith in a culturally appropriate way and serve the national church and community through longer ministry challenge teams.

Pay Structure
Raising Support
Information & Requirements
Jobs from Ships
Doulos Hope: Electrical Officer
Technical and Practical Skills/Ships
Logos Hope – Crew Member (1 or 2 years)

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