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The country of Jordan is an ancient land, but the message of Christianity is not welcomed within its borders

Visitors to this country are attracted to Jordan’s ancient historical sites and unspoiled natural locations. Today however, Christians make up only two percent of the population and face being ostracized from their families and communities. 

With one of the smallest economies in the Middle East, Jordan struggles to provide adequate supplies of water, oil and other natural resources to its citizens. In the past three years, the government has approved a handful of relief and budgetary supplement packages meant to improve living conditions for low- and middle-class Jordanians. However, the country continues to rely heavily on foreign assistance, especially as a continued influx of Syrian refugees affects expenditures. 

Evangelical believers in Jordan comprise less than .3% of the population. Small fellowships of Muslim background believers have begun to develop. Large areas of the country have no groups of believers gathering in them. 

Pray for the Spirit of God to move across the Near East Field, sparking a rich harvest of spiritually interested people. Pray for Jordan to maintain peace amidst conflicts in neighboring countries. Pray for the local church and believers to be mobilized to lead efforts in relief and evangelism. 

Facts about Jordan
People Groups:
Jordanian Arabs, Palestinian Arabs, Bedouin Arabs, Deaf, Druze,
Percent Evangelical:
Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
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