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Kazakhstan has the largest economy in Central Asia but very few of the population confess Christ

Kazakhstan, a mountainous country in Central Asia, is a major trade route between east and west.  It shares a folk Islam and Russian Orthodox heritage, and people there often have only a superficial commitment to Islam.  

Although there are official churches in Kazakhstan, Christian witness is largely limited to larger towns. Currently the government is tolerant of evangelical Christians although there is a constant concern on tightening regulations which could limit freedom.  Although violence towards believers is uncommon, many live under threat of intimidation, and for foreign workers, deportation.  

Widespread dysfunction is common among Kazak families.  Alcoholism and drug addiction are widespread; heroin is as easy to obtain as alcohol. Family breakdown and widespread corruption intensify the suffering of many. Believers can demonstrate Christ’s love and bring about transformation in their communities. 

Facts about Kazakhstan
People Groups:
Kazakh, Uzbek, Tatar, Dungan, Turk
Islam, Christianity
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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