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Morocco has a distinct blend of Arab, indigenous Berber, African and European cultures

Morocco is a beautiful country of approximately 36 million people in North Africa. The local Arabic dialect, called Darija, is a mix of Classical Arabic, Berber and French. Many people identify as ethnically Berber, and there are three main Berber languages spoken in addition to Arabic. 99.6 per cent of the Moroccan population are Muslim with a small number of Jews and Christians.  

Morocco has a diverse economy including agriculture, phosphate and textile sectors. Due to the close proximity to Europe, tourism and export agreements continue to increase. The country struggles with unemployment, poverty and illiteracy especially in rural regions. 

Small fellowships of Muslim background believers can be found scattered across the country, but large areas of the country have no believers. As God continues to be at work in this country, our prayer is for foreign and local believers to be united in loving their communities and seeing God’s love transform them. 

More about Morocco
People Groups:
Moroccan, Berber (Southern Shilha), Berber (Imazighen), Berber (Rif), Jebala
Percent Evangelical:
Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
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