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Our aim is to train Mozambicans to be missionaries to the least reached areas of the country.  

The OM team in Mozambique offers training to lay-preachers who would otherwise not have access to sound biblical training and we have a program to train leadership in church planting, especially among rural communities in bondage to witchcraft.  We also offer a training program combining academics and practical application that aims to train vibrant workers who will bring about community transformation and freedom in rural communities in Mozambique and beyond.  

We also work in rural communities with the purpose of transforming those communities with God’s love and freedom. The team is building relationships with isolated peoples, teaching practical skills and meeting with a small group of believers helping them to grow in faith. 

Through a women’s ministry, we reach out to the women in villages, offering them a chance to meet together to learn skills that will help them tackle life’s problems and provide for their families.  

Hope on the Streets for Children helps train the church to understand children and youths who are on the streets. Our aim is to spread the vision amongst the churches to become family to these children and prevention for the future. 


More about Mozambique
Predominant People Groups:
Tsonga, Makhuwa, Lomwe, Sena, Nyanja-Chewa
Christianity, Ethnic Religions, Islam
Percent Evangelical:
Presidential Republic
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