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Let a Coach bring the world within reach.
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From the start, we have been pioneering the way into communities and across borders, discipling others in and through sport.

Sport is creative, catalytic of nature, and actively opens doors to reach people that otherwise wouldn’t be reached.  We lead, we coach, we disciple. Sports ministries are building and strengthening communities of Jesus’ followers. Our coaches and athletes are disciple-makers, hosting community sports activities, engaging in sports leagues, and training both coaches and athletes in biblical principles. And Catalytic sports ministries aren’t only focused on mainline sports; our extreme and adventure sports teams are also growing—in the air and on the waves and rock faces around the world.

Coaches and athletes at work:

Run 4 the World (R4TW)

R4TW brings athletes together through running to create awareness and mobilize action for mission projects around the world. Participants can organize their own event or join an existing one, raising funds and praying for specific causes.

Multiply School

A month-long training, the Multiply School equips leaders to multiply Jesus followers through sports. Participants are led through topics like team leadership, partnerships, disciple-making, Discovery Bible Studies, and sports coaching and given tools to implement acquired skills in their own ministries.

Sports Coaches

Catalytic Ministries has created a network of sports coaches, equipping them with both ministry and coaching qualifications that can influence any community. A coach’s main focus is to multiply Jesus’ followers, on and off the field. They gain access to communities that have little engagement with the gospel through sports initiatives like tournaments, clinics, and camps.  Some examples are:

  • Planting churches around the lakes of Africa
  • Multiplying disciples in Pakistan
  • Discipling youth in Europe
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