Pray for Afghanistan
As Afghanistan faces its worst crisis yet, pray that her people will “put [their] HOPE in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.”
– Psalm 130:7
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Pray with us for Afghanistan

Remember 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 as you pray for Afghanistan: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed” (NIV).

Afghanistan is not in the news as much right now, but it is still in utter chaos. The images and reports are heartbreaking and unsettling on so many levels. Though many things continue to be uncertain about the situation, we as OM are certain of this: the people of Afghanistan and the surrounding countries are in urgent need of prayer and assistance. YOU can help.

As Jesus followers, we believe in the power of prayer. Join us in praying for the people of Afghanistan.

  1. Pray for the hundreds of thousands of Afghans who have fled their homes and sought refuge elsewhere. Thousands have already left the country and many more are want to leave. Pray for safety as people travel, provision of basic needs such as shelter, food and water and that families will be able to stay together. Pray for displaced peoples and refugees to be in a safe place for restoration and healing from trauma.
  2. Pray for impacted Jesus followers to be strong in the Lord and remain lights in their communities. Pray that they will feel the presence of the Lord and be reminded that they are not alone.
  3. Pray for those who don’t believe to have their eyes opened to who Jesus is and that they would believe in Him for salvation. Pray that people will experience dreams and visions that will lead them to Jesus and the peace that only He can give.
  4. Pray for the women and girls of Afghanistan as many are being denied access to education and opportunities to work and provide for their families. Pray for their safety and protection.
  5. Pray against the rise of COVID-19 cases as social distancing and other precautionary measures aren’t always possible. Pray that transmission will slow, and people will be able to get the medical care and supplies they need.

Pray for Afghanistan
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Send help for Afghanistan Now
Conditions are rapidly changing on the ground, so it’s impossible to know what all the needs will be in the coming weeks. But decades of experience with situations like this have taught us to pray for the best and prepare for the worst.
Right now, OM leaders, local teams, and partners around the world are meeting to determine how the Lord may be calling us to respond in this crisis, and we’re inviting you to be part of that plan. A financial gift will help address anticipated needs such as aid for refugee families and covering the running cost of radio, TV & internet ministries broadcasting into the country.
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